Wikipedia Zero: Free access to Wikipedia over mobile

In all the ages information (knowledge) is one of the most valuable assets of human being. Throughout our lives we have many sources of knowledge. Wikipedia will be one of those information source mutual for majority of the people.

Wikipedia zero is an initiative by Wikimedia foundation provides free access to Wikipedia on mobile devices (without data charges) in developing countries.

Objective:  "to reduce barriers to accessing free knowledge"

WP Zero is already active since 2012 in many developing countries and has provided free access to almost 230 million mobile users around the world.

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Google ProjectGlass Update: UI, Ok Glass and #ifihadglass. [Video]

Google just now showed off  its work progress in its prestigious 'Project Glass' in a video.
In this video we can observe bunch of updates since the last official video.
  1. The UserInterface.
  2. 'Ok Google' Voice search command.
  3. Set of Glass designs.
  4. #ifihadglass Campaign

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Yet Another Smartwatch : Samsung GALAXY Altius

Recently smartwatches have been gaining some traction and this has increased by the unveil of the $10M funded Kickstarter project 'Pebble' in CES 2013, Google patented its own Smartwatchh concept, and recent rumors on Apples' iWatch.

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