Twitter got its Windows 8 app

Twitter officially released its Windows 8 app. As Microsoft is making its moves to increase its recent operating system market, Twitter released its first native Windows 8 app.
With this app, the micro-blogging site introduces Windows 8 functionality into its experience. Features like Snap view, Large Photos, Live Tiles and notifications are included.


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BitTorrent Live is now open Beta: A new P2P Live streaming protocol

Live streaming by the people, for the people

BitTorrent is one of the largest file-sharing protocols existing on the internet. Even though it faced opposition from big ISP providers like Comcast, its traffic got increased enormously. This is because of its primary goal to distribute or share large files on the internet.

BitTorrent Inc founded by Bram Cohen in 2004 have some active products like utorrent and bittorrent clients and has announced some products of which most of them are in testing .

BitTorrent Live is a new web-based live streaming technology. With this, BitTorent is going to give hard time for live streaming products like Ustream, Livestream, and Twitch.TV.

BitTorrent Live has a strong side when compared to current live streaming sites, because the more people use these sites, the most costly it gets and the harder it is to guarantee smooth playback for all viewers. With BitTorrent Live streaming which uses p2p technology in its core protocol as it gets more reliable when more people tune in.

The Company describes the product as
BitTorrent Live is a peer-to-peer live streaming protocol. It’s based on the principles of the BitTorrent protocol. And it’s designed to make real-time reporting, and open expression accessible to all. BitTorrent Live eliminates bandwidth, cost, and infrastructure as broadcast barriers. The more people that tune in, the more resilient your stream.
BitTorrent Live is being developed and tested in a closed environment for years now, today at SXSW event it is opened to public as a beta product.
“We’ve demonstrated scaling and improved stability during our invite-only period, and are excited to open our service up to anyone who wants it. Thanks to all our early users for their support.”           -- Bram Cohen
In order to view live streaming from BitTorrent live, you need to download and install a 5MB program.

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Tablets outsurfed Smartphone in global web traffic

According to Adobe's Digital Index, Tablet are being used more than smartphones for surfing the web. They concluded this by analysing 100B visits to more than 1000 websites around the world.
Of all the web traffic, 8% alone is getting from tablets while for smartphones it is 7%. This is for the first time tablets surpassed smartphones.
[Via: Adobe blog]

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Google+ redesigns Profile & Pages: Local reviews, Larger Cover, new About tab

Today Google made some updates to its social network Google+. Now you will see profile pages with different look and easier to manage.
Sara McKinley, an employee of Google has announced these improvements.
In those she mentioned three main improvements.

A new tab for your Local reviews. In addition to your photos, +1's and YouTube videos, there's now a place for all your Local reviews. Highlight your favorite restaurants, or hide the tab completely via settings -- it's completely up to you.

- An easier way to edit your info. The 'About' tab now consists of separate cards (like Story, Places, and Links) -- each with its own prominent edit link. As always: you can share specific fields with specific circles, or keep them just for you.

- Bigger cover photos, with a better aspect ratio. Cover photos are much larger than before (up to 2120px by 1192px), and they display in 16x9 when fully expanded. This way more images can be used as cover photos, and there’s more room for your selection to shine.
 These changes will be made gradually .. So be patient.

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Microsoft Vision of future: Wall-sized touchscreens around home and work

Microsoft recently announced a new Envisioning Center, which is all about imagining how technology could be used to make life easier and more enjoyable.
In the near future we all going to see wall-sized touch-screens around our home and work places. Virtual chefs can help us in making recipes. and smoother communication with our family members faraway.

Microsoft Vision of Future from Narendra Kumar on Vimeo.

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Google exhibits 'How Search Works': Interactive Infographics

Google recently explained how its search works using an interactive infographics.

It shows off how Crawling and indexing works which are responsible for forming the giant web, Algorithms and programs that better match the interested content and how the spam is being removed.

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